Item Type (Loan Period) | Overdue fee |
New Books (3 weeks) | 0 cents/day |
Books (3 weeks) | 0 cents/day |
Audio Books (3 weeks) | 0 cents/day |
Museum Passes (3 days) | $0/day |
Inter-Library Loan (3 weeks) | 0 cents/day |
Magazines (3 weeks) | 0 cents/day |
Music CDs (3 weeks) | 0 cents/day |
DVD & Blu-Ray (3 weeks) | 0 cents/day |
Juvenile Materials (3 weeks) | 0 cents/day |
Click here for Delaware County Libraries policies.
Click here for Newtown Public Library’s newly adopted Circulation Policy.
Lost Items
Unreturned (lost) items or items replaced while overdue on your account will be charged to you at replacement cost.